Friday, September 25, 2009


Well, things have been crazy here. My littlest ones got so sick we had a few ER trips, 2 trips to the Dr's was a disaster!

I am trying to catch up to myself here..but it's a lot of work to do.
first, I wanted to give you all this link on how to make a basic tutu:

Now, to get the diamond shapes over the tutu, tie on a different color (or same if you like) every say, 3-4 ties/knots making sure it's an even number. but then, cut yourself a whole mess of little ribbons to tie them. i like them about 3 inches long. take two of the strips you tied for the diamond and tie them together with a ribbon a couple inches down from the waist. then take the next two and do the same until all around you have tied them all into pairs. then, about 3 inches or so down from those ties, take one of the ties from one pair, and one of the ties from another and tie those together. take the other ones from the pair and tie those to the next one over that is paired with one, and you will see how it comes out. you can then tie the original pairs back again several inches below that and you will see the shape come to life.

i don't have pictures, i am SO sorry. but if you have questions, ask away, and i will try to clarify as much as possible. enjoy your tutu making!

Now, for those of you who don't have need for a tutu, I have not forgotten you. This idea i had will have pictures to it once I squeeze out some time to work..but I will try to describe it the best I can.
With fall comes colder weather and thus long pants. When you pull out your tough guys' long jeans, don't throw away the favorite jeans because the knees have holes. get some felt, or any other fairly durable scrap of cloth, and cut a bunch of little triangles. Then, stitch them to the edge of the hole, basically, create an adorable little monster mouth where that knee is, lol. It's too cold for my toddlers to show some knee, so I will also be stitching something behind the teeth, maybe something to look like a mouth or just something with a crazy but boyish print. I just can't bear to toss those old navy jeans that fit so good. My boys are lanky making a good fit jean hard to find.

If you have kids of varying ages, did you know the sleeve of a shirt that is too small for a big kid makes great leggings for a little kid? here is alink to sleeve-y pants tutorial:

I hope that begins to make up for my absence. Today I will be stuffing old socks with newspaper, and then tying htem around the "neck" to make be interesting....

Friday, September 11, 2009


I would have announced it a few hours ago, but had to take a trip to the Dr. with Isabella...little girl doesn't know she can't walk, lol. She is fine and guess what?

crispyphd you are the winner!! yay! contact me at with your address so i can send along your prize!

thanks for reading, keep on coming back for the rest, which i am working on right now;-)

Last chance! 9/11/09

Post a comment on the giveaway post today if you want to be entered, this is your last chance, as I do the drawing tonight! I am so excited to see who wins!

Sorry I didn't get to post much else this week. I have a sick household and no one can sleep because our 22 month old is coughing and crying too much. I will post some very cool stuff tonight and this weekend to make up for it!

Meanwhile, I am trying to make a tutu tutorial but I am going to need pictures for it so today that is my goal, make you all a tutorial on how to make a tutu- AND do designs on it, all without sewing! YAY! I suppose I am ruining myself, as I sell tutus but it seems unfair not to share the info. My shop is always empty these days, but it is at and I will let you all know when it's full or maybe I'll get the seller's widget, I don't know.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Give Away time, To Celebrate my Birthday Sept. 7th!

Ok, I finally got things sorted out. And, Since Monday is my birthday Hubby is giving me extra time to craft and sew, I am a happy lady.

FIRRRSSTTT up- A give away! For those of you with adorable little boys up to 9 months, these are meant to protect those sweet sweet knees while looking too cute for school.

How do you get it? Leave a comment of any kind on THIS post by Sept. 14th. I will announce the Winner that evening. Once I get in touch with you, you will have 3 days to get in touch with me or runner up gets it. Sorry to cut it so close, I hate to, but we have so much more coming up!

What else? Well, Fall is here and I find myself up to my chin in fabrics perfect for my little ones for fall. The little ones don't go to school yet but that doesn't mean they don't need to look perfect for playgroup! With all the new babies born over the summer, Isabella shall be competing for cuteness....well, until they get a load of this pettiskirt styled skirt, with brown tulle ruffles and ribbon waistband making it look luxurious. I have enough for 2 more for those who want to buy:

This one is very stretchy and fits around 2T, actually, but Isabella is chunky for 7 months old and I make things she can wear a while. But since I chose to make it so big, I had big brother give it a twirl to show it off:

And my blog wouldn't be complete without letting you know that tomorrow I will have a get ready for fall recipe "Pumpkin soup" That kids just love, A tutorial on how to make pirate fun with your little ones, and some previews of what's coming in my etsy shop.

Later in the week the tutu tutorial, and a few 30 minute gifts for relatives!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Let's talk about what you want to...

I have some serious stuff going on here at my home, with school starting up and all, plus my camera is broken and hte one I am borrowing stinks, urgh!

So, I want to take a moment and ask you all what you want to read. Please, please respond with a comment, it helps me greatly, ok?

How to make awesome book covers for your kids (even teens like these!!!)

Help with costumes for your kids

Candy bags

How to make a diamond tutu

autumn/harvest decorations

does any of this interest anyone? I am willing ot get to it all but want to do what has the most interest first while I re-organize the next give away, ok?